Freedom of Information

Freedom of Information

The Freedom of Information Act (FOI Act) applies to the Competition and Consumer Protection Commission (CCPC). The FOI Act establishes three statutory rights for citizens:

  • A right for each person to access information held by public bodies
  • A right for each person to have official information relating to himself or herself amended where it is incomplete, incorrect or misleading
  • A right to obtain reasons for decisions affecting oneself

The FOI Act allows public access to official information held by the CCPC which is not routinely available through other sources while also acknowledging the public interest and the right to privacy of individuals. Access to information under the FOI Act is subject to certain exemptions and involves specific procedures and time limits.

All FOI applications, or requests for further information on the FOI procedures, should be addressed to:

FOI Unit
Corporate Services Division
Bloom House
Railway Street
Dublin 1
D01 C576

Phone:  01 402 5500


FOI Publication Scheme

Publication Scheme under the Freedom of Information Act 2014

The CCPC has prepared and published a Publication Scheme concerning the publication of information by the CCPC in conformity with a Model Scheme and Guidelines made by the Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform under Section 8 of the Freedom of Information Act 2014. The scheme came into effect on 14th April 2016.

Purpose of the Scheme

The Scheme outlines the information and publications that are routinely available from the CCPC on its website and provides links to the relevant information under six headings from the Model Scheme as listed below. The information under each of the headings will be updated regularly as provided for under the Act. The scheme is web based but the CCPC will provide a hard copy of any of the information on its website on request.

Information about the CCPC

Who we are and what we do

Organisational information, structures, locations and contacts

Services provided or to be provided to the public

The services we offer

Details of functions and services that the organisation provides and the decision making process

  • The CCPC does not provide services of the nature above directly to the public. We do however provide consumers with a wide range of information on their consumer rights, on personal finance and on financial education. Learn more about our functions.

Decision making process for major policy proposals

How we make decisions on policies

Decision making processes and records of decisions

Financial Information

What we spend

Financial information relating to income and expenditure


How we spend

Information relating to how we procure goods and services

FOI Disclosure log and other information to be published routinely

Other information


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