M/16/064 – BritBox Joint Venture BBC & ITV

Transaction details

The proposed transaction whereby a joint venture between BBC Worldwide Americas, Inc. and ITV SVOD Holding Inc. will be created, being BritBox, for purposes of providing a new subscription video-on-demand service to deliver primarily British content to viewers in the United States of America, has been cleared by the Competition and Consumer Protection Commission subject to the provisions of section 28C(1) of the Competition Act 2002, as amended.

Notification date Decision date
Tuesday December 13, 2016 Wednesday, January 18, 2017
Parties Involved Business activities

BritBox will be a joint venture, jointly controlled by BBC Worldwide Americas, Inc. and ITV SVOD Holding Inc., providing a new video-on-demand service of primarily British content to customers in the US.

BBC Worldwide Americas, Inc.

BBC Worldwide Americas, Inc. is a Delaware corporation and is an indirect wholly-owned subsidiary of the British Broadcasting Corporation, the public service broadcaster in the United Kingdom.

ITV SVOD Holding Inc.

ITV SVOD Holding Inc. is Delaware corporation and is an indirect wholly-owned subsidiary of ITV plc, which is involved in television production and broadcasting.

Economic sector Media merger
Subscription video-on-demand services No
Submissions from third parties due by:
Phase 1 Phase 2
Friday, December 30, 2016
Current status: Completed
Cleared (Phase 1)
Authorised Officer Assigned Contact Details
Joseph Walser

Tel: (+353)1 470 3678 E-mail: josephwalser@ccpc.ie

Media enquiries: MKC Communications: 01 7038600

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