M/23/040 – Saol / Certain Assets of Irish Life

Transaction details

The proposed acquisition by Saol Assurance DAC (trading as AIB life), of certain life insurance policies, assets, and liabilities of Irish Life Assurance plc, has been cleared by the Competition and Consumer Protection Commission.

Notification date Decision date
Thursday August 17, 2023 Tuesday, September 5, 2023
Parties Involved Business activities
Saol Assurance DAC

Saol Assurance DAC (trading as AIB life) is a wholly owned insurance company subsidiary of Saol Assurance Holdings Limited (previously AIB JV Holdings Limited), which itself is a 50:50 joint venture holding company established between Allied Irish Banks plc and Canada Life Irish Holding Company Limited.

Saol Assurance DAC is a life insurance undertaking which writes certain classes of life insurance. It commenced writing insurance policies on 2 March 2023. Saol Assurance DAC offers a range of life insurance products including protection, savings and investments, and pensions.

Irish Life Assurance DAC

Irish Life Assurance DAC is part of the Great-West LifeCo Inc group of companies. Irish Life Assurance DAC and its subsidiaries provide life insurance products, pensions, and retirement savings in the State.

The assets subject to the proposed acquisition are life products currently held by Irish Life Assurance DAC. These are products which consist of savings, pensions, and investment plan life assurance, which were provided by Irish life and sold through AIB.

Economic sector Media merger
Financial and Insurance Services No
Submissions from third parties due by:
Phase 1 Phase 2
Friday, September 1, 2023
Current status: Completed
Simplified Merger Notification
Authorised Officer Assigned Contact Details
Jason McGoldrick


Media enquiries: communications@ccpc.ie

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