M/23/041-Nissan Ireland Limited/Renault Ireland Limited

Transaction details

The proposed acquisition by Nissan Ireland Limited through its wholly owned subsidiary Cedar Ireland Automotive Limited, of the entire issued share capital of Renault Ireland Limited, has been cleared by the Competition and Consumer Protection Commission.

Notification date Decision date
Monday August 21, 2023 Thursday, September 28, 2023
Parties Involved Business activities
Nissan Ireland Limited

Nissan Ireland Limited is the distributor for Nissan motor vehicles in Ireland, supplying Nissan products to a wide range of motor dealers and retailers nationwide.

Cedar Ireland Automotive Limited is a wholly owned subsidiary of Nissan Ireland Limited.

Renault Ireland Limited

Renault Ireland operates a wholesale business in Ireland consisting of the importation and distribution of new Renault and Dacia branded vehicles, the original spare parts and the automobile equipment.

Renault Ireland Limited’s business is limited to wholesale. The retail sale of Renault and Dacia vehicles is carried out by independent retailers.

Renault S.A.S. is the parent and vendor of Renault Ireland Limited. Renault S.A.S.is owned by Renault SA which is the ultimate parent company of the Renault Group.

Economic sector Media merger
Motor Sector No
Submissions from third parties due by:
Phase 1 Phase 2
Wednesday, September 6, 2023
Current status: Completed
Cleared (Phase 1)
Authorised Officer Assigned Contact Details
Marie-Claire Long

Email: marieclairelong@ccpc.ie
Phone: 086 085 1552

Lewis O'Shea


Media enquiries: communications@ccpc.ie

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