CCPC invites input to its State of Competition study
April 15, 2024
The Competition and Consumer Protection Commission (CCPC), the statutory body with responsibilities in the fields of competition and consumer protection law, is undertaking a study on the level of competition in the Irish economy and is inviting interested parties to share their views.
The mission of the CCPC is to use its knowledge, skills and statutory powers to promote competition and enhance consumer welfare. The CCPC’s vision is for open and competitive markets where consumers are protected, and businesses actively compete.
The CCPC is in the initial stages of a research study examining the state of competition across several sectors of the Irish economy. This project will provide an overview of the evolution of competition in the State over recent years and in doing so, it may identify competition or consumer protection issues that require further consideration or investigation.
More information, and details on how to contribute to the study is set out in the State of Competition in Ireland.
The closing date for submissions is 5pm Friday 17 May 2024.
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