CCPC opens full investigation into Phoenix’s proposed acquisition of Cellnex

July 26, 2024

The Competition and Consumer Protection Commission (CCPC) is to carry out a full Phase 2 investigation into the proposed purchase of Cellnex Ireland Limited and Cignal Infrastructure Limited (together, Cellnex) by Phoenix Tower International Holdco, LLC (Phoenix).

Under competition law, the CCPC must assess certain mergers and acquisitions in order to prevent harmful effects on competition. In doing so, the CCPC considers the potential impact of mergers and acquisitions on consumers, such as changes to price, consumer choice, quality and innovation.

Phoenix and Cellnex are independent tower companies which host active network equipment on their passive infrastructure sites. Passive infrastructure includes towers or masts on which a wireless network operator can fix its active network infrastructure (e.g., antennae and dishes). Independent tower companies’ customers include the mobile network operators (Three, eir, and Vodafone), wireless broadband network operators and emergency services.

This proposed transaction (M/24/018) was notified to the CCPC in March 2024. Following a preliminary examination, the CCPC has decided an in-depth investigation is needed to establish whether the proposed transaction will result in a substantial lessening of competition in the State.

The CCPC welcomes submissions from interested parties by email to by 4:30pm on 15 August 2024.

As the investigation is ongoing, the CCPC is unable to share any further information.

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