M/10/003 – Club Travel / Budget Travel (In Liquidation)

Transaction details

The Competition Authority yesterday, 15 February 2010, cleared the proposed acquisition of certain assets by Club Travel Limited from the Liquidator of Budget Travel Limited (In Liquidation).

Notification date Decision date
Friday January 22, 2010 Monday, February 15, 2010
Parties Involved Business activities
Club Travel Limited

Club Travel: hold a Tour Operator's Licence and are active in the following markets: - the Tour operating market, and, - the Supply of Travel Agency Services.

Budget Travel Limited (In Liquidation)

Budget Travel (In Liquidation) : hold a Tour Operator's Licence and are active in the following markets: - the Tour operating market, and, - the Supply of Travel Agency Services.

Economic sector Media merger
The Travel Sector No
Submissions from third parties due by:
Phase 1 Phase 2
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Current status: Completed
Cleared (Phase 1)
Authorised Officer Assigned Contact Details
Ms. Victoria Balaguer and Mr. Andrew Rae

Tel: 01-804 5451 / 5420, emails: vb@tca.ie or ar@tca.ie

Media enquiries: MKC Communications: 01 7038600

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