About Global Money Week

Global Money Week (GMW) is a financial awareness-raising campaign run by the OECD International Network on Financial Education (INFE) each year. The campaign addresses the importance of ensuring that young people are given the opportunity to be more financially aware, and to continue to gain key skills, knowledge, attitudes and behaviours to make sound financial decisions.

Why is it important to teach children and young people about money?

As adults we know that understanding our finances and financial products is key to making more informed decisions. It is important that children and young people develop positive financial habits, knowledge, attitudes, and behaviours from a young age to know how to manage their personal finances throughout their lives. With more knowledge they can be empowered to make better financial decisions for their future.

What is the goal of Global Money Week?

The goal of Global Money Week is to ensure that all children and young people have access to high-quality financial education that allows them to make smart financial decisions that can improve their future financial resilience and financial well-being.

Taking part in Global Money Week

It is important to teach children and young people about financial matters in an age-appropriate way.

During Global Money Week public, private and not-for-profit organisations work together to organise different types of activities for children and youth to spark excitement around financial education such as:

  • online financial education workshops, online financial education escape rooms;
  • visits to banks, central banks, stock exchanges, money museums, local businesses;
  • financial workshops and sessions;
  • financial education fairs
  • financial education games and savings competitions;
  • drawing, photo, essay and video contests

The role of the Competition and Consumer Protection Commission (CCPC) in Global Money Week

The CCPC is the national coordinator for Global Money Week in Ireland. As part of our role we:

  • Identify Global Money Week initiatives planned in Ireland by public, private and non-profit institutions.
  • Encourage coordination among involved parties, and report expected Global Money Week activities to the GMW Secretariat.
  • Promote participation in GMW by encouraging potentially interested institutions to join.
  • Act as the focal point for information requests by interested or participating institutions about GMW.
  • Liaise and communicate with private sector participants, if any, to clarify that their initiatives should not contain commercial messages.
  • Collect information about activities implemented during the GMW in Ireland and report back to the GMW Secretariat.

For more information email financialeducation@ccpc.ie


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