M/25/015 – Klass Energy/McMullen Oils

Transaction details

The proposed acquisition by Klass Securities Limited, through Klass Energy Limited, of sole control of McMullen Oils Limited has been notified to the Competition and Consumer Protection Commission.

CCPC Statement 3 March 2025

On 27 February 2025, in accordance with section 18(1)(a) and 18(12A) of the Competition
Act 2002, as amended (the “Act”), the Competition and Consumer Protection
Commission (the “CCPC”) received a notification of an acquisition whereby Klass Securities Limited, through Klass Energy Limited, acquired sole control of McMullen Oils Limited.

The CCPC has been informed by the parties that the notification is required to be made
pursuant to section 18(12A) of the Act, as the acquisition already completed on 26 September 2023 without having been notified to the CCPC.

Pursuant to section 19(1) of the Act, any proposed merger or acquisition that is required to be notified to the CCPC shall not be put into effect until the CCPC has made a determination in relation to the merger or acquisition.

If a merger or acquisition is put into effect in contravention of section 19(1) of the Act, such merger or acquisition is void unless and until the CCPC makes a determination under section 21 or 22 of the Act that it may be put into effect (see section 19(2) of the Act).

This statement was updated for clarity on 5 March 2025 .

Notification date Decision date
Thursday February 27, 2025
Parties Involved Business activities
Klass Securities Limited

Klass Securities Limited has a number of subsidiaries which are all involved in the supply and distribution of oil and fuel in the State including: Klass Energy Limited; Klass Oil Distributors Limited; Klass Home Energy Limited; Tommy Dowd Oil Distributors Limited; and Sweedon Oil Limited. The main activity of the these companies is the supply of oil and fuel (including gas oils, kerosene and road diesel) and unleaded petrol to customers in the domestic, commercial and agricultural sectors.

Klass Energy Limited

Klass Energy Limited is a subsidiary of Klass Securities Limited. The main activity of the Klass Energy Limited is the supply of refined fuel products such as kerosene, gasoil, derv and unleaded petrol.

McMullen Oils Limited

McMullen Oils Limited was a small oil and fuel distributor based in Cootehill, County
Cavan. The products involved in McMullen Oils Limited's business were derv, kerosene, lubricants, MGO and unleaded petrol, and it operated in Counties Cavan and Monaghan.

Economic sector Media merger
Motor Fuel - (Retail/Wholesale) No
Submissions from third parties due by:
Phase 1 Phase 2
Friday, March 14, 2025
Current status: Active
Preliminary investigation (Phase 1)
Authorised Officer Assigned Contact Details
Jack Kelly


Media enquiries: communications@ccpc.ie

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