Consumer Shopping Behaviour Feb 2013

This study of consumer switching, making complaints and shopping behaviour was conducted by Amárach Research on behalf of the National Consumer Agency. Among the study’s key findings:

  • Across 19 key markets, overall, 37% of consumers have switched at least one product or service provider in the past year
  • In most sectors surveyed over 50% of consumers have not checked in the past three years to see if there is a better package/deal available to them
  • Circa 1 in 4 consumers who did check for better deals switched landline, broadband, mobile phone and electricity provider after checking
  • 33% of consumers (up 10% points) have had a reason to complain or return an item
  • 3 in 4 (76%) of those who had a reason to complain/return an item actually did so
  • Circa 4 in 5 consumers are now more prepared to negotiate, delay or deliberate before purchasing

The research was conducted among 1,006 people in Ireland aged 15-74 over a three-week period in November 2012.

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