Shopper Trends Oct 2011
21 November 2011
Kantar Worldpanel monitors the grocery retailer take-home purchasing habits of 3,000 demographically representative Irish households. Detailed information is collected on the purchasing habits of these households.
This data provides very valuable information relating to consumer purchasing patterns and behaviours in a market which is an important area of expenditure for all consumers, given that the average household in Ireland spends approximately one fifth of its total weekly expenditure on groceries.
Their recent data provides a summary update of shopper trends up to 2 October 2011.
The presentation examines:
- Total spend in the grocery market
- Sectoral performance in the grocery market
- Branded and own brand market shares
- Changes in shopper behaviour
- A comparison with trends in previous years
- Comparable data for the UK grocery market
Some of the key findings to 2 October include:
- The overall market remains subdued with value sales falling by 0.2% compared with this time last year despite price inflation of 2.3%
- Shoppers are responding to price increases by either purchasing more items on promotion or trading down to cheaper products
- Private Label or Own Brand value share has remained consistent at almost 35% of the market.
- The choice of grocery products has more than doubled since 2001 to over 27,500 products
- The number of shopping trips per household has steadily increased since the start of 2011 but spend continues to be eroded with average basket now worth 2.3% less than last year
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