FOI Disclosure Log 2022

Date received Requester Request details Decision date Decision
09/02/2022 Member of the Public 1.  All sales applications that were presented to CCPC in the past ten years
2.  A list of all registered nursing homes that have changed ownership in Ireland in the past ten years.
3.  The names and contact addresses of the new owners.
4.  Minutes of any meetings that may have taken place with anyone in CCPC in relation to the sale of nursing homes in Ireland in the past ten years.
09/03/2022 Request Refused
15/03/2022 Journalist Copies of the 83 complaints about increases in the price of petrol and diesel sent to the CCPC recently, and copies of the CCPC’s responses N/A Request Withdrawn
28/03/2022 Member of the Public Request the following information relating to the Topaz-Esso (M/15/020 – Topaz / Esso) merger review: Price survey data conducted by the CCPC of retail fuel stations, including:
•CCPC cluster designation
•Survey date
•Pricing by fuel type
•Experian/Catalist category number
•Latitude and Longitude of address
27/04/2022 Pending
26/05/2022 Member of the public Records relating to the decision in the case of M/19/037 – Connolly Motors/Volkswagen Letterkenny 06/07/2022 Ongoing
20/06/2022 Member of the public In relation to all CCTV cameras that you have procured from 2017 until the present, please provide:
–  the names of each company and the names of the products including the model numbers
–  the contracts with each company
–  the cost per unit and the total costs, and
–  the duration of contracts and/or licenses
2. Please provide records that state the capability of the CCTV cameras (along with their storage and processing units whether locally, on a server or in the cloud), such as facial recognition, temperature/thermal scanning, behaviour analysis, object detection or demographic detection (i.e. age, gender, clothing etc).
3. For all CCTV cameras procured between 2019 and present, please also provide the documents and communication (such as letters and emails) involving the company that was awarded the contract
18/07/2022 Request Withdrawn
29/11/2022 Member of the public I would be grateful if you would provide details of your current contract covering reprographics/print arrangements under the Freedom of Information Act as follows
1.      Number of MFDs (Multi-functional devices) & photocopiers at Competition and Consumer Protection Commission
2.      Name of incumbent
3.      Start/end date of contract (if expired, WHEN do you expect to revisit the marketplace)
4.      Details of any extension options
5.      What framework / Route to market used
6.      Do you share this contract/use the same arrangement with another organisation. If yes, please name who
7.      Number of regular/desktop printers (in addition to above)
8.      Is there a support contract on above, if yes please state start/end date
9.      Do you have a Print Room
10.     If yes, name of supplier, number of devices and start/end date of contract, also details of any extension options
11.     Total annual print/copy volumes including, if applicable your Print Room, for (a) mono (b) colour
12.     What Print software do you run
13.     Your total annual spend on print
14.     Name of person responsible for the running of MFDs and, if applicable, your Print Room
29/12/2022 Request Withdrawn
05/12/2022 Member of the public The procedure manuals/guides used in the processing of contacts from the public via phone, email, Contact Us Form and by any other means.
Can you also please provide reporting on the response time and resolution time for each contact type for the last 3 years, by month, or similar reporting if this particular reporting is not currently created by CCPC.
05/01/2023 Part-Granted

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