CCPC approves Phey Topco’s purchase of Dental Medical Ireland but requires sale of dental supplies subsidiary

May 2, 2024

The Competition and Consumer Protection Commission (CCPC) has cleared Phey Topco’s purchase of Dental Medical Ireland (M/23/065). The approval is subject to legally binding commitments, involving the sale of Phey Topco’s subsidiary BF Mulholland.

Dental Medical Ireland supplies dental products and equipment to dental professionals in Ireland, with some sales in the United Kingdom. Phey Topco controls DD Group, which – through BF Mulholland – is a supplier of dental products and equipment. DD Group also supplies products to beauticians and aesthetic clinics through BF Mulholland.

The proposed deal was notified to the CCPC in December 2023. Under competition law, the CCPC assesses mergers and acquisitions notified to it to protect competition. In competitive markets, businesses are incentivised to compete on price and improve the quality of their products and services. CCPC merger investigations examine the potential impact a proposed deal may have on consumers, including changes to price, consumer choice, quality and innovation.

During the investigation, the CCPC had concerns about how the deal could affect levels of competition between companies that supply dental consumables (i.e. products such as cotton wool rolls and paper towels) and dental equipment.

To address the CCPC’s concerns, Phey Topco made commitments, including the sale of BF Mulholland. Phey Topco also agreed not to do anything which could negatively impact BF Mulholland before it is sold, and not to buy BF Mulholland back for a period of time following its sale.

The CCPC has accepted the commitments made by Phey Topco and has approved the purchase. An independent monitoring trustee will be appointed to make sure that Phey Topco complies with these commitments.

The CCPC will publish details of its decision on within 60 working days, during which the parties can request that certain confidential information is removed from the published version. Further information is available on merger notifications  M/23/065.

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