CCPC to carry out a full investigation of PandaGreen’s acquisition of Greenstar

June 10, 2016


The Competition and Consumer Protection Commission (‘the CCPC’) has decided to carry out a full phase 2 investigation in relation to the proposed transaction whereby PandaGreen Limited, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Sretaw, incorporated for the purpose of this transaction, would acquire the entire issued share capital of Starrus Eco Holdings Limited trading as Greenstar.

Another wholly-owned subsidiary of Sretaw, trading as Panda Waste, is involved in the waste management sector in Counties Dublin, Kildare, Meath and Wicklow. Greenstar is also involved in the waste management sector in these counties and elsewhere.

Following a preliminary investigation, the CCPC has determined that a full investigation is required in order to determine whether the acquisition would substantially lessen competition in markets for goods or services in the State. The companies have been informed of the decision. The CCPC has until 27 September 2016 to make a final decision on the proposed transaction (but may conclude its investigation in advance of this date).

The deadline may, however, change as the CCPC can decide to issue a Requirement for Information (RFI). This would suspend the process until the parties comply with the RFI. A RFI must be issued within 30 working days after the decision to carry out a full phase 2 investigation.

Interested parties are invited to make submissions no later than 5pm on Friday 24 June 2016. Parties making submissions should indicate clearly what, if any, of the material submitted contains business secrets. Submissions should be marked “M/16/008 – PandaGreen / Greenstar” and should be addressed to Andrew Rae, Mergers Division, Competition and Consumer Protection Commission, PO Box 12585, Dublin 1 or sent by e-mail to

Additional Information: The Parties Involved

Sretaw is a private unlimited holding company headquartered in Tallaght, Co Dublin. Its wholly-owned subsidiary, PandaGreen, has been incorporated for the purposes of the proposed transaction.

Another wholly-owned subsidiary of Sretaw, Nurendale (Unlimited) trading as Panda Waste, is involved in the waste management sector in Counties Dublin, Kildare, Meath and Wicklow.

Starrus Eco Holdings Limited, trading as Greenstar, headquartered at Bray, Co Wicklow, is a limited private company involved in the waste management sector in the Counties Dublin, Kildare, Meath and Wicklow and elsewhere in the State.


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