Price reductions


If you are a business that sells goods, from 29 November 2022 you have new obligations when making price reduction announcements. These new obligations were introduced under the European Union (Requirements to Indicate Product Prices) (Amendment) Regulations 2022 (Amending Product Pricing Regulations). In simple terms, a price reduction announcement is a promotional statement by a seller that it has reduced the price of goods.

The biggest change concerns the transparency of price reductions. You must now provide specific information when announcing a price reduction, in particular by including the ‘prior price’.

These changes ensure that promotional announcements about price reductions are genuine. Businesses that do not comply could be subject to enforcement action by the CCPC.


The CCPC invited queries from traders following the introduction of our Price Reduction Guidelines. All relevant questions and answers received are published below.

Please note that the CCPC does not provide legal advice to individual businesses on their trading practices.

Examples of bad practice

As the enforcement body for these regulations and other consumer protection legislation, the CCPC undertakes market surveillance to inform its future compliance activities. In late 2022 and early 2023, the CCPC conducted an analysis of pricing data from a number of websites.

A number of concerning pricing practices were uncovered in this analysis, indicating that some traders had not yet changed their practices around price reduction announcements following the introduction of the new regulations.

Examples of correct pricing practices are included in our Pricing Regulations Business Guidelines.

What is the status of these guidelines?

These guidelines reflect the views of the CCPC as of November 2022. The CCPC reserves the right to amend this guidance as necessary.

These guidelines do not constitute legal advice. A business must decide whether its conduct and/or that of its staff, complies with consumer protection law. However, these guidelines will help businesses in making that assessment. If a business has doubts about whether or not its conduct complies with the law, they should seek independent legal advice.

Download a printable PDF of these guidelines.

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