Date: 28/11/2022
Consumers buying from businesses based in Ireland or the EU have strong consumer rights. These rights are part of the Consumer Rights Act 2022 …
Guidance on Trade Associations
Date: 28/05/2014
This Guidance Notice informs the business community and trade associations of the limits that competition law places on joint or coordinated action by competitors.
Licensed Premises
Date: 27/05/2014
If you run a licensed premises there are laws about how you must display your prices to consumers. The particular regulation is called the …
Restaurants and Cafes
Date: 05/05/2014
If you sell food to be consumed on your premises there are various rules about how shops and services must display their prices, so …
Declaration and guidance on exclusive purchasing agreements for cylinder liquefied petroleum gas
Date: 11/04/2014
The Competition Authority Cylinder LPG Declaration has expired.
Date: 25/03/2014
The law and the licensing system in this area make a distinction between tour operators and travel agents. In general terms: A tour operator …
Guidance on Refusal to Supply
Date: 05/02/2014
A refusal to supply does not necessarily constitute a breach of the Competition Act 2002 (the Act). In general firms should be able to contract with parties of their choice; there is no compulsory requirement under law for a firm to supply.
Guidance on Consultant Medical Fees
Date: 03/02/2014
In 2006 the Competition Authority (predecessor of the CCPC) published a consultation document to determine the scope of guidance that could be provided in …
If You Sell Products to Consumers
Date: 28/11/2022
Consumers buying from businesses based in Ireland or the EU have strong consumer rights. These rights are part of the Consumer Rights Act 2022 …