M/23/028 Erisbeg / MP & E Trading Company (EMR Integrated Solutions)

Transaction details

The proposed acquisition by Erisbeg I LP through Gagner Limited of sole control of MP & E Trading Company Limited trading as EMR Integrated Solutions has been cleared by the Competition and Consumer Protection Commission.

Notification date Decision date
Friday July 7, 2023 Tuesday, July 25, 2023
Parties Involved Business activities
Erisbeg I LP

Erisbeg I LP is the ultimate legal and beneficial owner of the Erisbeg group of companies. The Erisbeg group of companies is a private equity fund with interests across Ireland and the UK.

MP & E Trading Company Limited

MP & E Trading Company Limited is involved in the business of communications and scada/telemetry systems for utility and critical infrastructure such as telecommunications, lighthouses, transport, water and power.

Economic sector Media merger
Information & Communications No
Submissions from third parties due by:
Phase 1 Phase 2
Monday, July 24, 2023
Current status: Completed
Simplified Merger Notification
Authorised Officer Assigned Contact Details
Marie-Claire Long

Email: marieclairelong@ccpc.ie

Phone: 086 0851552

Media enquiries: communications@ccpc.ie

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