M/24/046 – VetPartners/Midleton Veterinary Hospital

Transaction details

The proposed acquisition by Vet Partner Practices Ireland Limited of Midleton Veterinary Hospital Limited and the partnership known as Knockgriffin Veterinary Clinic has been notified to the Competition and Consumer Protection Commission

Notification date Decision date
Wednesday July 31, 2024
Parties Involved Business activities
VetPartners Practices Ireland Limited

VetPartners Practices Ireland Limited ("VetPartners") owns and operates veterinary practices across the State. VetPartners is an indirect subsidiary of VetPartners Limited, a UK-based veterinary services provider. The wider VetPartners Group is active in France, Germany, Italy, Spain, the Netherlands, Portugal and Switzerland.

Midleton Veterinary Hospital

Midleton Veterinary Hospital is a veterinary practice located in Midleton, Co. Cork which provides a range of different veterinary services. For the avoidance of doubt, there is no separate practice known as the Knockgriffin Veterinary Clinic.

Economic sector Media merger
Professional Services No
Submissions from third parties due by:
Phase 1 Phase 2
Wednesday, August 14, 2024
Current status: Active
Further information required (Phase 1)
Authorised Officer Assigned Contact Details
Lewis O'Shea


Media enquiries: communications@ccpc.ie

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