M/11/021 – IHKG (NISF & Intersnack) /Largo Food

Transaction details

The Competition Authority has cleared the proposed acquisition whereby Pfeifer & Langern Industrie-und Handels-KG (IHKG), through its subsidiaries New Ireland Snack Foods Limited (NISF) and Intersnack International B.V. (Intersnack) would acquire sole control of Largo Food Exports Limited.

Notification date Decision date
Friday July 15, 2011 Wednesday, August 3, 2011
Parties Involved Business activities
New Ireland Snack Foods Limited

NISF is ultimately controlled by Pfeifer & Langen Industrie-und Handels-KG. NISF was established for the purposes of acquiring the 11% of the share capital of the Target.

Intersnack International B.V.

Intersnack`Group is engaged in the manufacturing, marketing and distribution of snack foods under the Chio, funny-frisch, Pom-Bar and goldfischli brands.

Largo Food Exports Limited

Largo Food Exports Limited is engaged in the manufacturing, marketing and distribution of snack foods.

Economic sector Media merger
The savoury snack foods sector No
Submissions from third parties due by:
Phase 1 Phase 2
Thursday, July 28, 2011
Current status: Completed
Cleared (Phase 1)
Authorised Officer Assigned Contact Details
Elisa Ryan

Tel: 01-804 5446, email: er@tca.ie

Media enquiries: MKC Communications: 01 7038600

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