Guidance on mergers

On this page you will find guidance documents on how the CCPC analyses mergers and acquisitions under the Competition Act 2002 as amended.

  • Mergers and Acquisitions Procedures 2023  – This document outlines the procedures for dealing with mergers and acquisitions notified to the CCPC. It is effective from 27 September 2023.
  • Access to the File Procedures 2023 – This document outlines the CCPC’s procedures for providing access to its file by merging parties. It is effective from 27 September 2023.
  • Merger Notification Form 2023  – This document is a tool to give effect to the obligation on the undertakings involved to provide “full details” of a proposed merger, acquisition or joint venture to the Commission. It is effective from 27 September 2023.
  • CCPC Merger Guidelines – This document sets out key elements of the Commission’s approach to analysing mergers and acquisitions notified to it.
  • Notice in respect of certain terms used in Part 3 of the Competition Act. This Notice outlines the CCPC’s understanding of certain terms used in Part 3 of the 2002 Act, as amended by the 2014 Act. However, this Notice is not, and does not purport to be, an interpretation of the law.
  • Simplified Merger Notification Procedure Guidelines. This document sets out the CCPC’s simplified procedure for certain notifiable mergers or acquisitions that clearly do not raise competition concerns in Ireland.
  • Communications policy in relation to mergers. This document provides information on the CCPC’s communications policy in relation to mergers, including how it publicises mergers which have been implemented before a determination has been provided by the CCPC.

NOTE: For issues not covered by the above guidance documents, please contact the Competition Enforcement and Mergers Division at + 353 (0)1 402 5500 or

Useful links

• Mergers section of the European Commission website.

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