Notification: M/13/010 - Aztec/Duke Street Oasis
Status: Completed
Notification: M/13/009 - European Refreshments / Fresh Trading
Status: Completed
Notification: M/13/008 - LDC (PIMCO) / NRS Healthcare
Status: Completed
Notification: M/13/006 - Clare FM / Terence and Gay Mangan / Tipp FM
Status: Completed
Notification: M/13/007 - DZ Bank / UMH / WGZ Bank
Status: Completed
Notification: M/13/005 - BSkyB / Be Un Limited
Status: Completed
Notification: M/13/004 - Bertelsmann / BMG
Status: Completed
Notification: M/13/003 - BT / ESPN Global
Status: Completed
Notification: M/13/002 - Capita IT / Northgate
Status: Completed
Notification: M/13/001 - BlackRock / CS ETF Business
Status: Completed