Guidelines for contracts of care in nursing homes
In September 2017, the Competition and Consumer Protection Commission (CCPC) began a project to examine the terms used in standard form contracts in residential care services for older people. The purpose of the project was to develop a set of guidelines for providers of residential care services to older people and consumers of those services.
In developing the guidelines, the CCPC undertook an extensive programme of research, consultation and engagement, to ensure that it captured the views of those most closely associated with the market from an industry and consumer perspective.
The CCPC met with stakeholders including industry, representatives, and consumers, and carried out a public consultation in February, 2018. This process provided an opportunity for any member of the public including residents, residents’ families, nursing homes and their representatives, and organisations advocating on behalf of older people, to share their experiences and views of the terms used in their contracts of care.
The CCPC received 14 written submissions as part of this public consultation, which are set out below. Submissions relating to the personal experiences of individuals, have been anonymised.