Consumer Contacts Report 2020

The Competition and Consumer Protection Commission (CCPC) has published a report detailing key data on consumer contacts to its helpline during 2020. Overall the number of contacts increased by 17% to 48,603, an increase which was driven by consumer queries related to COVID-19.

The significant shift in consumer behaviour to online shopping was apparent in the 116% increase in contacts related to purchases made online. For the first time, the CCPC received a higher number of consumer contacts related to online purchases than purchases made in-store.

The most common reason consumers contacted the CCPC in 2020 was for information on contract cancellations. Queries on buying online and on contract changes and charges also featured in the top 5 reasons for contacting the CCPC in 2020. Queries on faulty goods and services, the top contact category in 2019, fell 66% to 2,512 in 2020.

Consumer contacts relating to the travel, transport and holidays sector increased by 278% on 2019, making it the top sector for contacts. The catering and accommodation sector also saw a 122% increase in contacts.

The most common point of referral for consumers remained the Irish Small Claims Court, with 12,610 referrals. There were 4,019 consumers referred to the European Consumer Centre who provide assistance to consumers who have disputes with businesses based in other EU countries.

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