Insurance Consumer Behaviour 2015

This study of consumer behaviour in relation to insurance was conducted by Behaviour & Attitudes on behalf of the Competition and Consumer Protection Commission (CCPC). The research was undertaken through a face-to-face, in-home survey of 1,001 adults aged 16+.

Key findings

  • Comparison shopping continues to be most common in motor insurance at 73%.
  • Just over half (52%) shop around for home insurance.
  • There is some decline evident in the likelihood of shopping around for better home (-7%) and health (-8%) insurance policies.
  • 35-49 year olds are the most likely to shop around when taking out/renewing insurance policies with over 65s the least likely to compare.

  • Seeking quotes online continues to be the most popular method of shopping around. However, there has been some decline in the use of comparison sites.
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