Scams Awareness & Experience 2010
Research carried out by Behaviour & Attitudes on behalf of the National Consumer Agency has established a high incidence of scams among Irish consumers. The main findings were:
- 76% of consumers or a family member have been targeted
- 18% lost money or valuable personal information to a scam
Premium rate phone prize schemes and bogus callers or tradesmen claim the most victims. The research revealed that consumers are most aware of chain letters, foreign lotteries and pyramid selling schemes.
The survey involved asking over 1,000 adults, corresponding to a national population of 3.5 million, about their awareness and experiences. Among the other findings were:
- 93% of Irish consumers are aware of scams
- More men and younger adults admit to trying to participate in scams. However, women, older respondents and working class adults more likely to admit to falling victim
- Internet-related scams are more prevalent among men, middle class and in Dublin. This mirrors the structure of the online, working population
View Amárach’s presentation of the key findings.
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