Occupational Pension

Occupational pension schemes are set up by employers to provide pensions for their employees. There are two main types of occupational pensions:

How to boost your pension

When reviewing your pension, you may look at ways you can boost your pension fund to increase your benefits at retirement.

To do this, you may choose to make Additional Voluntary Contributions (AVCs). AVCs are extra contributions you may be able to make to an occupational pension scheme in the private or public sector.

You can only make AVCs to your employer’s occupational pension scheme if the rules of that particular pension scheme allow AVCs. If that is not the case, then your employer must offer you access to a standard Personal Retirement Savings Account (PRSA) to enable you to make additional contributions.

If your employer allows you to make AVCs through their occupational pension scheme, you are not obliged to use this scheme to make additional contributions to your pension. You can choose to take out your own PRSA and make the additional payments in it.

More information can be found on the Pensions Authority of Ireland’s website.

Your options at retirement

How to receive your pension, and what can you do with the money once you retire? You will have several options available, including:

  • Taking a tax-free lump sum
  • Receiving an annuity
  • Transferring some or all of your pension fund to an Approved Retirement Fund (ARF)
  • Taking a taxable lump sum

More information on your options at retirement can be found on the Pensions Authority of Ireland’s website.

More information on your options at retirement can be found on the Pensions Authority of Ireland’s website.