Product recalls

Product Safety Information Notice on Pro-Wax 100 Wax Heater sold on Amazon

March 28, 2024

A safety issue has been identified with Pro-Wax 100 Wax Heater sold on Amazon.


Image shows Wax Heater


The risk presented by the product is electric shock. The bowl of the product has a lacquer present preventing an adequate protective earth connection to accessible metal parts, which can allow the product to become live.

The ASIN number is B07K24XQ3M. The barcode is X00106ZRZJ. The brand, model and batch number are unknown.

The product was sold online through Amazon. There are approximately 58 affected products in the Republic of Ireland.

What to do:

If you purchased one of these products, please stop use immediately. You may wish to contact Amazon to see if there are any remedies available to you. This can be done via your user account on Amazon.

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