E-scooter safety and your rights: what you need to know

June 25, 2024

E-scooters are gaining popularity, but it’s important to understand your rights when buying an e-scooter. Here’s a guide to help you when buying your e-scooter, along with some product safety tips.

Your rights when buying an e-scooter

When you are buying an e-scooter always buy from reputable seller. If you choose to buy from an unfamiliar seller, you run the risk of buying an unsafe product. The seller should give you the following information before you buy:

  • The product details – if not already clear
  • The total price (inc. VAT) or how the price will be calculated
  • Details on any additional charges apply
  • If your right to cancel applies
  • Their name, address and phone number

Top Tip

You may not have the same rights of redress and return if you buy outside the EU. Each business will set their own policies on these. You should always read the terms and conditions to check their policies.

If it is faulty

If your e-scooter is faulty, you have the right to get it fixed, replaced, or get your money back, and you have 6 years to contact the seller for a remedy. Which options you have depend on how serious the problem is and how long you’ve had it. Your rights are strongest in the first 30 days, if you find any faults in this time period, you can return it for a refund.

Safety tips for your e-scooter

Look for the CE Mark: When you buy an e-scooter, check for the CE mark. The CE mark confirms that the product complies with essential health, safety, and environmental protection requirements. For more on CE marks check out our product safety page.

Take Care of the Battery: Proper battery care is essential for e-scooter safety. Avoid overcharging your scooter and always use the charger that came with it. Keep the battery away from extreme heat or cold to avoid accidents like overheating or fires.

Regular Maintenance: Keep your e-scooter well-maintained by following the manufacturer’s maintenance instructions. Regularly check for wear and tear on components such as brakes, tires, and electrical parts. Ensure all fasteners are tightened properly to prevent accidents due to mechanical failures.

Stay informed and take care to enjoy your e-scooter safely while protecting your rights as a consumer. For more detailed tips on e-scooter safety and to know more about your rights, visit Citizens Information , the Road Safety Authority or Dublin City Fire Safety.

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