Product recalls

NEXT Retail Limited recalls 3 Pack Footless Yellow/Blue Zip Sleepsuits

July 1, 2024

NEXT Retail Limited is carrying out a recall of 3 Pack Footless Yellow/Blue Zip Sleepsuits.

Next baby sleepsuits 3 pack in yellow, white and blue

The risk associated with the product is choking. The zip may become detached from the sleepsuit creating a small part. If a child puts the small part in their mouth, it can block airways and cause choking.

The brand is NEXT. The item number is 514676. The batch number and bar code are unknown.

There are approximately 28 affected products in the Republic of Ireland.

What to do:

Customers are asked to dispose of the product immediately. If customers have given any of these items as a gift, please ask the recipient to dispose of the item safely.

Please contact Next Ireland to arrange a refund.

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