Changing your mind

People change their mind about things they buy all the time. You might buy a shirt or dress in a shop and then decide when you get home that you don’t like it, or it doesn’t fit properly. Your consumer rights are there to protect you if things go wrong, but this does not include if you simply change your mind about something you bought in a shop.

Buying from a shop

When you buy from a shop, you do not have the legal right to return an item if you change your mind. Some shops may offer to accept returns and give you an exchange or refund, but this is a shop policy and a gesture of goodwill, not a legal requirement.

Some shops which offer exchanges or refunds if you change your mind may only give you a refund in the form of a credit note or gift voucher, rather than giving you your money back. It is important to check a shop’s returns policy before you buy to make sure you are happy with the terms and conditions.

Buying online or on your doorstep

When you buy from a distance, such as online or on your doorstep, you have additional protections under consumer law. This includes, in most cases, the right to cancel and get a refund for any reason, including change of mind. Learn more about your consumer rights when you buy at a distance.