Stillman’s Freckle Cream safety alert
February 22, 2011
Following tests carried out by authorities in the UK and Denmark, Stillman’s Freckle Cream has been found to contain levels of mercury significantly in excess of those permitted by the Cosmetics Directive 76/768/EEC.
The National Consumer Agency has been notified that this product has been found on the Irish market and is investigating the matter.
This product is sold for use as a cream to lighten and remove freckles and blotches. Regular use of this product over a period of time can cause mercury poisoning.
What to do:
If you have purchased this product stop using it immediately and contact the National Consumer Agency on 1890 432 432. If you are a retailer or distributor who has purchased this product you should also contact the NCA.
If you have experienced any undesirable effects with this product you should consult your doctor or contact the Irish Medicines Board on 01-6764971 9am-5pm Monday to Friday, or email
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