Early Learning Centre recalls ‘ELC Jungle Fun Ball Run’ toy product
May 4, 2018
Early Learning Centre (ELC) is carrying out a voluntary recall of its Jungle Fun Ball Run toy product. The safety concern is that there is a chance the product may collapse.
The products affected by this recall were on sale between July 2016 and January 2018 in Mothercare and Argos (both online and in-store).
Approximately 116 units have been sold in Mothercare and Argos stores in the Republic of Ireland.

Image 1: ELC Jungle Fun Ball Run (Source: Mothercare)
What to do:
If you believe that you may have this product then you should return it to the place of purchase where a full refund will be provided. If you have bought this product online then please contact the retailer’s customer service helpline for more information.
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