Recall of BCE/Riley Cue Tip Cement sold by Argos and Sports Direct
December 17, 2018
Argos and Sports Direct have recalled BCE/Riley Cue Tip Cement (blue tubes).
The affected product codes/item numbers are:
- 926/7318
- 766135-90
- 766136-90
- 0740052
- 0740053
- T7022
- T7023
- T7022SD
- T7023SD
The Toluene content of this product may be in excess of legal safety levels (as set out by EU REACH Regulations) and may be dangerous and present a potential risk to anyone handling the product.
1012 units have been sold in the Republic of Ireland.
What to do:
Stop using the product immediately. Keep out of reach of children and pets.
If you still have any tip cement in the blue tube, please contact BCE via Freephone on 0800 1699114 or by email on
Consumers should contact BCE using the Freephone number or email address to arrange to return the product free of charge and receive a free replacement product.
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