Current opportunities
Current vacancies
We are a growing organisation, and our staff number have increased by more than 50% in the past 5 years. We are continuing to expand, and this will present many opportunities across all our divisions.
Please note our recruitment process is managed by our recruitment partner CPL.
If you have any queries on the below roles please contact
Financial Education Manager - Policy and Research (HEO)
Consumer Protection Executive (EO)
Deputy Director for Digital Regulation (AP1)
The CCPC is an equal opportunities employer. We are committed to championing an inclusive and diverse workforce that reflects modern Ireland and the people we serve. We strive to create a culture where everyone has equal access to opportunity and feels comfortable and confident to be themselves at work. Reasonable accommodations will be provided, if required, during this process. To discuss and request reasonable accommodations in confidence please contact
What are the competencies required for a role?
Do the CCPC use a recruitment partner?
How do I apply for a role?
What is the next stage once an online application is submitted?
Can I apply for multiple roles?
I require additional supports/reasonable accommodations during the recruitment process, how should I let you know?
What are the stages of the CCPC recruitment process?
How many rounds of interviews will there be?
How should I prepare for an interview?
When will I start if I am successful?
If I’m not successful this time can I apply again for different roles?
Where can I learn about the benefits the CCPC offers?
Where can I learn about the remuneration of the role?
Important Note:
Entry will be at the minimum of the scale and the rate of remuneration will not be subject to negotiation and may be adjusted from time to time in line with Government pay policy. Subject to satisfactory performance increments may be payable in line will current Government Policy. Different terms and conditions may apply if, immediately prior to appointment, the appointee is a serving civil or public servant”.
Terms and conditions
Entry will be at the minimum of the scale and the rate of remuneration will not be subject to negotiation and may be adjusted from time to time in line with Government pay policy. Subject to satisfactory performance increments may be payable in line will current Government Policy. Different terms and conditions may apply if, immediately prior to appointment, the appointee is a serving civil or public servant”.
Candidates must produce satisfactory documentary evidence of all qualifications on request. Failure to produce such documentary evidence when requested may lead to disqualification from the competition and or/termination of contract. Therefore, it is advised that you have this documentation available to you when making your application.
Canvassing refers to a candidate directly contacting an employer or hiring manager outside of the official application process. It is essential to understand the implications of canvassing, as it will result in a candidate being disqualified from a selection and appointment process.
What Is Canvassing?
- When a job is advertised, there are usually clear instructions on how to apply. If you bypass these guidelines and directly approach the employer – including via LinkedIn or any other social media, it can be seen as an attempt to influence the decision-making process in your favour.
- This behaviour is called canvassing and often results in your application being rejected.
- The application process aims to create a level playing field for all applicants, ensuring fairness.
To be clear, candidates must not:
- Knowingly or recklessly provide false information as part of their application.
- Canvass any person working in the CCPC by contacting them directly or through any social media platforms.
- Canvass any person involved in the CCPC selection and appointment process with or without inducements.
- Interfere with or compromise the recruitment process in any way.
Avoiding Canvassing:
- Follow the instructions: Always adhere to the application guidelines provided in the job advertisement.
- Don’t ruin your chances: Remember that canvassing will result in your application being removed from the process.
Equal opportunities
The CCPC is an equal opportunities employer. We are committed to championing an inclusive and diverse workforce that reflects modern Ireland and the people we serve. We strive to create a culture where everyone has equal access to opportunity and feels comfortable and confident to be themselves at work. Reasonable Accommodations will be provided, if required, during this process. To discuss and request reasonable accommodations in confidence please contact
Citizenship requirement eligible candidates must be:
- A citizen of the European Economic Area (EEA). The EEA consists of the Member States of the European Union, Iceland, Liechtenstein, and Norway; or
- A citizen of the United Kingdom (UK); or
- A citizen of Switzerland pursuant to the agreement between the EU and Switzerland on the free movement of persons; or
- A non-EEA citizen who has a stamp 4 visa: or
- A person awarded international protection under the International Protection Act 2015, or any family member entitled to remain in the State as a result of family reunification and has a stamp 4 visa: or
- A non-EEA citizen who is a parent of a dependent child who is a citizen of, and resident in, an EEA member state or the UK or Switzerland and has a stamp 4 visa.
*Please note that a 50 TEU visa, which is a replacement for Stamp 4EUFAM after Brexit, is acceptable as a Stamp 4 equivalent.
To qualify candidates must meet one of the citizenship criteria above.
Successful candidates are required to provide two recent employment references.
Place of work
The CCPC is currently located in Bloom House, Railway Street, Dublin 1, DO1 C576.
Hours of work
Hours of attendance are normally 35 hours net per week. Normal working hours are 9.00 a.m. to 5.15 p.m. (Monday to Friday) with 1 hour and 15 minutes for lunch. From time to time it may be necessary to carry out duties outside of these hours.
Hybrid/ Agile working
The CCPC operate a hybrid/ agile / remote working policy which provides the opportunity for employees to choose remote working for up to 60% of their working time. This is subject to business needs.
Health and character self-declaration
Health & Character Candidates must be in good health, capable and competent of carrying out the work assigned to them, and they must also be of good character. Those under consideration for a position will be required to complete a health and character declaration. References will be sought. In the event of conflicts of interest, candidates may not be considered for certain posts.
Secrecy, confidentiality and standards of behaviour
During the term of employment, you will be subject to the Provisions of the Official Secrets Act, 1963, as amended by the Freedom of Information Act 2014. The officer will agree not to disclose to unauthorised third parties any confidential information either during or subsequent to the period of employment.
Authorised Officers
All employees of the CCPC are Authorised Officers (AOs). An AO is a person who is formally and properly empowered to perform specified duties in the CCPC under the Competition and Consumer Protection Act. AOs assigned to work in one of the Enforcement Divisions of the CCPC will gain significant experience in conducting investigations and using the enforcement tools available to the CCPC over time.
Not all AOs are assigned to an Enforcement Division, however, they may still be asked to assist in an investigation by one of the enforcement Divisions. This might be by attending and assisting in a summons hearing, or participating in a search or inspection. Training is provided to staff, so they understand their powers and duties.
The CCPC pension scheme mirrors the rules of the civil service pension scheme. Public service pension terms are dependent on Public Service history as follows:
- In general, an employee who has no prior pensionable Public Service history in the 26 weeks prior to appointment will be a member of the Single Public Service Pension Scheme (Single Scheme).
- An employee who was a member of a “pre-existing public service pension scheme” as construed by the Public Service Pensions (Single Scheme and Other Provisions) Act 2012 and who does not qualify for membership of the Single Scheme will have standard public service pension terms reflecting new entrant or non-new entrant status for the purposes of the Public Service Superannuation (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 2004.
- All prevailing rules within the public service governing pension benefits (in payment or preserved), Incentivised Scheme for Early Retirement (ISER), Voluntary Early Retirement (VER) and Voluntary Redundancy Schemes (VRS) will apply to appointments within the CCPC.
Learn more about Public Service Pensions.