Frequently asked questions
The following list of frequently asked questions provides useful information for Our Money, Our Future applicants. Whether you are wondering about the application process, project guidelines, or how to make the most of your sponsorship funds, the FAQs provide clear and concise answers. If you have a question that hasn’t been addressed, please get in touch with us on
To ensure we have enough to answer your question ahead of the application deadline please contact us by 5pm on 14 October.
What is Our Money, Our Future?
Our Money, Our Future is a CCPC sponsorship of schools that promotes and enables the development of financial literacy skills and understanding for young people. Read more about Our Money Our Future.
Who can apply for Our Money, Our Future sponsorship?
All Department of Education recognised post-primary schools and Youthreach centres are eligible to apply. Strictly one application per school/centre only.
Is there a fee to apply?
No, there is no fee to apply to Our Money, Our Future.
How do I apply? What is the deadline for applications?
Applications for 2024/2025 are now closed. The deadline was extended to 5 November 2024 to cover the mid-term break.
What are the terms and conditions of sponsorship?
You can read about the terms and conditions in our sponsorship guidelines.
Do I have to plan a whole new project to participate?
You do not have to plan a whole new project to participate. Use the information in our teacher’s toolkit and consider how financial literacy learnings can be tied to ongoing work and expanded to include a financial literacy element.
Can multiple teachers from one school submit separate applications?
Applications are strictly one application per school/centre only. Where multiple teachers in one school wish to participate we encourage collaboration to develop their financial initiatives.
What are the benefits of participating in Our Money, Our Future?
Our Money, Our Future aims to highlight the value of incorporating financial education into the curriculum and recognise the educational value of providing support for projects that encourage longer term development and critical thinking. The benefits of partaking in the sponsorship programme are:
- an opportunity for schools to develop new and innovative financial literacy initiatives linked to the curriculum.
- students are given a chance to experience financial education in a more interactive way.
- students gain an increased knowledge of financial literacy concepts and topics.