How to complain

Consumer rights complaints

Sometimes problems arise after you buy goods or services. This page covers how to complain to a business and other steps you can take to resolve your issue.

Making a formal complaint

Before making a formal complaint, you should know your consumer rights. Many issues can be sorted out quickly and simply with the business by talking with them first. Read more about what your rights are and how to use them if you have an issue with a product, service or digital content/service.

If you cannot resolve your issue with the company informally then you may want to make a formal complaint. You should make your complaint in writing. Details you may want to include are:

  • date when you are making your complaint
  • your contact details
  • the company name
  • details of what you purchased and your order or reference number
  • date of purchase
  • copy of your receipt
  • details of the problem
  • how you want the business to resolve the problem

What else you can do

If you have complained to a business and they have not responded to your satisfaction, there are other actions you can take.

Personal finance complaints

If you are not satisfied in your dealings with a financial services firm or a pensions administrator, you have the right to complain.

The CCPC does not investigate individual complaints. If you cannot resolve your complaint with the financial services firm you may refer the complaint to the Financial Services and Pensions Ombudsman

3-step plan to making a complaint

Step 1: Try to sort out your complaint with your provider first

Talk to the person you normally deal with as soon as possible. This could be your local branch manager, your broker or your pension scheme administrator. You can also contact the firm’s customer care department.

Explain the problem and state clearly the solution you want – an explanation, apology or specific action. Tell them how they can fix the problem for you.

Many problems can be sorted out quickly and simply in this way. But if you are not happy with the response, you can make a formal complaint.

Step 2: Complain formally to your provider

All regulated financial services firms must have a complaints handling system in place under the Central Bank’s Consumer Protection Code. Ask for the name of the person you should contact to make a formal complaint. If the person you are dealing with is not sure how to handle your complaint or where to direct you, ask to deal with a manager or supervisor.

You can make a complaint in person or by telephone, but a written complaint is usually most effective because you can keep copies of your correspondence with the firm.

Make sure you include your account, policy or reference number when you contact your provider. Set out the facts, relevant dates and names of people you have dealt with. Again, be as clear as you can about the solution you want.

Attach copies of any relevant documents and always keep the original copy of everything for yourself.

If the firm you are dealing with is regulated by the Central Bank, they must:

  • Acknowledge receipt of your complaint in writing within 5 business days and give you the name of the person you should contact about it
  • Let you know within 20 business days how your complaint is progressing and
  • Make a decision on your complaint within 40 business days. If they cannot make a decision, they must let you know how much longer it will take and let you know of your right to refer the matter to the Financial Services and Pensions Ombudsman. They must also give you the contact details of the ombudsman.

At this point you can wait for the firm to respond to your complaint or you can go to the Financial Services and Pensions Ombudsman.

If the firm responds to your complaint and you are not happy with the outcome, or if the firm does not respond to your complaint or has delayed responding to you, you still have the option of taking your complaint to the Financial Services and Pensions Ombudsman.

Step 3: Refer your complaint to the Financial Services and Pensions Ombudsman

Financial Services and Pensions Ombudsman:

  • Decides if they can deal with your complaint
  • Weighs up the evidence from you and your financial institution or broker, and recommends a solution
  • May give you compensation if you have suffered financial or other loss

Any decision made by the Financial Services and Pensions Ombudsman is binding on you and the financial services firm. Both you and the firm you complain about have the right to appeal an ombudsman’s decision to the High Court. But you can only appeal to the High Court – you cannot take your case to court once you have referred it to an ombudsman scheme.

If you would prefer to take a case to court rather than refer it to the Financial Services and Pensions Ombudsman, you are free to do so, but only if you have not referred it to the Financial Services and Pensions Ombudsman  scheme already. Similarly, if you have already taken a case to court, you cannot refer your complaint to the Financial Services and Pensions Ombudsman later.

Take a look at this video explaining the three steps to making a complaint to the Financial Services and Pensions Ombudsman.

What to do if your provider is located outside Ireland

Some financial services providers on the market in Ireland today are governed by the laws of another EU country. These include some popular fintech providers. These do not have to follow the Central Bank of Ireland’s complaint handling procedure outlined above, as they are regulated in another EU state.

So, if your financial services provider is governed by the laws of another EU country, the FSPO may not be able to help with your complaint.

In this case, you should contact the alternative dispute resolution body in the provider’s relevant EU member state. You should then pursue your complaint through that body.