European small claims procedure

You can use the European small claims procedure to claim against businesses elsewhere in the EU without using a solicitor. It is available in all EU member states except Denmark.

What types of claim can I make?

The procedure applies to cross-border cases, so you and the party you have a dispute with, must live in separate EU countries. You can make claims against an organisation, a business, or a customer.

The procedure can be used in most types of consumer claims, such as claims for:

  • payment
  • damages from an accident
  • delivery of goods
  • fulfilment of a contract

You can read more about the types of cases covered by the European small claims procedure on the Citizens Information website.

How do I make a claim if I am in Ireland?

To make a claim, you must complete a European small claims procedure application form and return it to your local District Court office.

You can download the form from the European e-Justice Portal.

You can also get an application form from the Small Claims Registrar of your local District Court office, where staff can help you complete it. You cannot make a claim online.

How does the European small claims procedure work?

You submit the application form to the Small Claims Registrar at a local District Court office

The Registrar reviews the application form. If further information is needed, you may be asked to complete a separate form to provide this within a certain timeframe.

Once the Registrar has all of the information, they will prepare an answer form and send this to the defendant (who you are claiming against) within 14 days.

How much does it cost to make a claim?

The fee for the European small claims procedure is €25.

You may also have to pay for the translation of your documents if they are in a language the defendant does not understand. If you win, you can claim for such additional costs. If you lose, however, you may have to pay for any translation or other costs incurred by the defendant.

Further information

You can read more about the European small claims procedure on the Courts Service website and the European e-Justice Portal.

The European Commission has published a guide for the European small claims procedure which is available to download from the European e-Justice Portal. Further information is also available on the Citizens Information website.