
This legal statement was last updated in April 2023


This website (“the Website”) is operated by the Competition and Consumer Protection Commission (“the CCPC”).

The CCPC complies with the Regulations on the re-use of Public Sector Information, where required and as provided for under S.I. No. 279 of 2005 as amended.

The CCPC retains copyright over all the information featured on this website, unless otherwise indicated. The CCPC encourages the re-use of the content provided on its website for the purposes of research, study and the issuing of guidance to the public. This re-use may include copying, publishing and broadcasting, but does not include embedding the CCPC’s financial calculators onto any third-party website. The use of any of our official logos, trademarks or illustrations is also not permitted without the prior written approval of the CCPC. The content provided is for information purposes and may not be used in a commercial context or for commercial purposes without the prior written approval of the CCPC.

The CCPC does not grant any user an exclusive right to the use or re-use of information contained on this website.

Please contact us with any queries regarding the re-use of information on this website.

The re-use of information and documents obtained from this website is subject to the latest PSI licence. There are a number of conditions relating to such use which must be satisfied:

In cases where you are supplying the information to others, you are required to acknowledge the source and copyright of the CCPC.

  • The information must be reproduced accurately
  • The information must not be used in a misleading way
  • The information must not be used for the principal purpose of advertising or promoting a particular product or service
  • The information must not be used for or in support of an illegal, immoral, fraudulent, or dishonest purpose
  • The CCPC is not liable for any loss or damage associated with the re-use of information contained on its website

The CCPC makes all reasonable efforts in administering this website and ensuring that the information found on the website is as up-to-date and accurate as possible. The CCPC, however, does not certify that all of the information on its website is free from error and fully updated. To that effect, the content of the pages on this website are provided as an information guide only and should not be construed otherwise. The CCPC does not give any warranties in respect of the site, in relation to the accuracy of the information or materials on the site, or in relation to any services available through the site. If you notice any errors or omissions on the site, please let us know as soon as possible. We endeavour to correct errors within a reasonable period of time.

There may be links to other sites listed on this website. The CCPC does not own, control or monitor such sites and is not responsible for the availability of or content on such sites. Links to such sites are provided solely as a convenience to the user and do not constitute any endorsement, authorisation, sponsorship or affiliation by the CCPC of such sites, their owners or providers.

Terms and conditions

This legal statement contains the terms and conditions as they relate to the CCPC website.

There are risks in using any information found on the internet and the CCPC advises users that it is their responsibility to verify any information before relying on it. By accessing and using this site, users agree to these terms and conditions.

The terms set out in these pages shall be governed and construed in accordance with the laws of the Republic of Ireland.

If any provision of these terms is determined by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid or unenforceable in whole or in part, the validity and the enforceability of the remainder of the provision in question and of the remaining provisions of these terms shall be separate and enforceable accordingly and shall continue to have full force and effect.

The failure of the CCPC to enforce at any time or for any period any one or more of the terms or conditions of these notices shall not be a waiver of them, nor a waiver of the right to enforce all terms and conditions of these notices at any time subsequently.

The CCPC reserves the right to make alterations to any part of this site and these terms.


The website is owned and operated by the CCPC. The materials on this site and its subsites are owned or licensed by the CCPC.

While every effort is made in preparing material for publication, no responsibility is accepted by or on behalf of the CCPC or its third-party providers for any errors, omissions or misleading statements on these pages or any site to which these pages connect.

The CCPC denies all warranties of every nature including without limitation, any implied warranties of quality or fitness for a particular purpose, any expressed or statutory warranties, and any warranties or duties regarding accuracy, timeliness, completeness or performance.

The use of this website is at the user’s sole risk. The CCPC shall have no liability for any loss or damage arising out of the use of the website or the use of or reliance on the information on this site, including without limitation, indirect or consequential loss, or any damages arising from loss of use, data or profits, whether in contract, tort or otherwise.


You are granted permission (a license) to:

  • Browse the material on the site (including making copies in RAM or other temporary storage device necessary to facilitate such browsing)
  • Print out hard copies for personal or business use
  • Create links to the CCPC’s homepage, save files, distribute and reproduce pages – provided the source is stated and the material is not distorted. This permission excludes the right to embed the CCPC’s tools and calculators onto any third-party website
  • URLs on personal or business sites which link to our website must be configured so that materials accessed on our servers are displayed as the sole element of the browser window
  • Reproduce and/or re-use the information and documents obtained from this website provided that such re-use is subject to your compliance with all terms of the latest public sector information (PSI) licence – you can get more information on the PSI website

It should be noted that the content provided is for information purposes. The content may not be used in a commercial context or for commercial purposes without the prior written approval of the CCPC.

The use of any of our official logos, trademarks or illustrations is also not permitted without the prior written approval of the CCPC.

Financial comparisons

Data for the financial comparisons (day-to-day banking, borrowing, credit and savings) is provided by financial institutions and is updated daily.

The content provided is for information purposes. The content may not be used in a commercial context or for commercial purposes without the prior written approval of the CCPC.

The information available in the financial comparisons section of the site is a general guide to common personal financial services products. Nothing in this section is intended to be, or should be construed as:

  1. An invitation, offer or inducement to you or any other person to engage in investment activity, or to enter into any type of financial arrangement.
  2. Advice on the merits of, or a recommendation in relation to, any particular product or product provider.

The results from our financial calculators are estimates only and may differ slightly from some financial institutions, as interest may be calculated in a slightly different way. 

Reproduction of our website content offline

If extracting information from our website, please include this sentence at the beginning;

‘This information has been taken from the Competition and Consumer Protection Commission’s website’ , or indicate ‘Source: Competition and Consumer Protection Commission,’

Reproduction of our website content offline

If extracting information from our website, please include this sentence at the beginning;

‘This information has been taken from the Competition and Consumer Protection Commission’s website’, or indicate ‘Source: Competition and Consumer Protection Commission,’

Reproduction of our website content online/links to our website

  • Please ensure the link to our information obviously links to the CCPC’s website.
    ‘This information has been taken from the Competition and Consumer Protection Commission’s website’ or indicate ‘Source: from the Competition and Consumer Protection Commission’. Where direct hyperlinks to the site are not included, spell out the URL ie
  • The use of any of our official logos, trademarks or illustrations is not permitted without the prior written approval of the CCPC. For further information please contact us
  • Links may not be put in a context that would lead to users believing that we endorse or support the contents or objectives of the other website or any organisation related to it
  • We do not permit the reproduction of our website content online/links to our website to be used in association with commercial ventures such as online advertising promotion, without the prior written approval of the CCPC
  • The name of the organisation for public information purposes is: Competition and Consumer Protection Commission.
  • The address of the organisation is CCPC, Bloom House, Railway Street, Dublin 1.

© Competition and Consumer Protection Commission, 2023. All rights reserved.