Meeting your financial adviser

Preparing for the meeting

  • Complete our choosing a financial adviser checklist and arrange a meeting with a financial adviser.
  • Gather any documents that you think your adviser might need and bring them along with you, for example, information on previous pensions you have paid into or your current investment portfolio and so on.
  • Bring along proof of your identity and address. If you are unsure what you might need to bring, call the financial adviser in advance.

During the meeting

  • Always answer your adviser’s questions fully and honestly. It will help both you and your adviser to get a clearer picture of your overall circumstances.
  • Take notes during your meeting in case you forget something later and ask questions about anything you don’t understand.
  • Take time to consider any recommendations carefully and don’t sign anything unless you have read and understood it fully.

Questions to ask

Click the dropdown for specific questions you should ask your adviser if you are getting advice on investments, pensions, insurance or mortgages.

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