
April 6, 2023

Hatch a plan for the Easter Holidays

Easter is here and you may be wondering what free or low-cost family friendly things you can do. There are loads of egg-cellent activities happening across the country which won’t...

March 31, 2023

FAQ Friday: What do I need to know before booking a holiday?

On the last Friday of every month, we answer some of the most frequently asked questions (FAQ) from the hundreds of consumers who contact us. If you’re planning a city...

March 28, 2023

Have you sorted out that new current account?

KBC Ireland and Ulster Bank are soon leaving the Irish market. Central Bank of Ireland statistics showed there were 227,694 current accounts still open with KBC and Ulster Bank in...

March 22, 2023

Do you have an Ulster Bank credit card? Now is the time to close it!

If you have an Ulster Bank Credit Card you must take action now, as from 22 March 2023 Ulster Bank credit cards will no longer work. Credit cards can be...

March 15, 2023

Cuimhnigh ar ábhair airgid an seachtain na gailege seo

Agus Seachtain na Gaeilge 2023 tosaithe, ba mhaith le CCPC chur i gcuimhne do muinteoirí agus scoláirí faoi Ábhair Airgid, acmhainn seomra ranga do mhúinteoirí agus scoláirí Eacnamaíocht Bhaile agus...

March 14, 2023

32,431 consumers contacted CCPC helpline in 2022

The CCPC has marked World Consumer Rights Day by releasing its 2022 Contacts Report. The report details the queries and complaints made by the 32,431 consumers who contacted the CCPC’s helpline...

March 10, 2023

CCPC urges consumers to return clay product to Flying Tiger stores

The CCPC has today issued a recall of the ‘Skumvoks light clay mix’ product which was sold in Flying Tiger stores around Ireland. The product consists of small tubs of...

March 7, 2023

Shopping for a bargain – but is the price right?

Have you ever spotted an item marked at the perfect price only to discover when you go to pay that the price is higher? It may surprise you to know...

March 2, 2023

Foghlaim conas do chuid airgid a bhainistiú ‘as gaeilge’ le hábhair airgid de chuid CCPC

Chun Seachtain na Gaeilge 2023 a cheiliúradh, tá CCPC ag moladh do mhúinteoirí agus scoláirí na Sraithe Sóisearaí leas a bhaint as an nGaeilge atá acu agus ár n-acmhainn Ghaeilge...

February 27, 2023

Take control of your credit card spending

Do you know how much interest you’re paying on your credit card every month? You’re not alone if you don’t! Recent research carried out by iReach Insights showed that 66%...