Amber teething jewellery

Amber teething jewellery can cause choking, strangulation, aspiration and death. These necklaces, bracelets, anklets, and beads are not safe for babies and small children and should never be used as teething aids.

three sets of amber beads


Beads can block a child’s airway and make it impossible for them to breathe.


The string on amber jewellery used for teething can tighten around a child’s neck or get caught on an object and lead to strangulation.

Never put any kind of cord, string, or chain jewellery around a baby’s neck.


The beads can also come loose from the string and be swallowed or inhaled causing aspiration. Aspiration happens when something intended for swallowing goes down the wrong way and into the lungs instead of the stomach. This can lead to pneumonia, partial lung blockages or lung collapse.

Infection and other risks

Other risks of amber jewellery used as teething aids include:

  • skin infections
  • mouth infections
  • restricting blood flow in the arms or legs, depending on where the jewellery is worn
  • allergic reactions

Teething can be very distressing for babies, parents and caregivers. The HSE has detailed information and advice on teething and how to safely soothe a teething baby.

What should I do?

Businesses must immediately remove these products marketed or actively sold as teething aids from the market as they do not comply with safety regulations and are dangerous products.

Consumers should not buy amber jewellery marketed or sold as ‘teething aids’. Those who already use amber jewellery as ‘teething aids’ should immediately stop using it.

Making a report

Amber beads cannot be sold as teething aids in Ireland because they are dangerous. If you see these being sold or marketed as teething aids or for use by children under 36 months of age, you should make a report to us.