Product recalls

Product Safety Information Notice on an Extension Lead sold on the Wish platform

May 24, 2024

A safety issue has been identified on an Extension Lead sold on the Wish platform.

2 prong extension lead sold on WISH

The product presents a risk of electric shock and fire risk. The mechanical strength of the pins and cable is insufficient so that users are at risk of electric shock and the short-circuit observed during testing could start a fire.

The Wish ID is 6006c49ed3d832c4710a4ca7. The model number, barcode, brand and the batch number are unknown.

There are 2 affected products in the Republic of Ireland.

What to do:

If you purchased one of these products, please stop use immediately and discard the product. You may wish to contact Wish to see if there are any remedies available to you. This can be done via your user account on the Wish platform.

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