Tesco Recall – GL Style – Light Up Jewellery
September 27, 2017
Tesco in Ireland, have been notified by RMS International (UK) Ltd. that they have identified a fault with the GL Style – Light Up Jewellery.
The risk with this product is, the batteries can come out during play and are dangerous if swallowed. This recall only affects GL Style – Light Up Jewellery products sold in Tesco stores since August 2017. The affected items have the Batch Code: 221450-1. The batch code can be located on the underside of the packaging.

Batch Code: 221450-1
What to do
Tesco advice is, to stop using this item immediately. Consumers can return the affected product to any Tesco store where a full refund will be provided. Consumers may contact RMS International by telephone: 0044 161 727 8182 or by email to complaints@rmsint.com for further information.
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