
Buying goods

Buying and returning goods

What are your rights when you buy goods? When you buy something, you enter into a contract with the business who sells it to you.

Buying second-hand goods

When you buy a second-hand item from a business, you have similar rights to when you buy a new item. However, your rights very much depend on how much you paid for the item.

Guarantees and warranties

It can be hard to understand the difference between guarantees and warranties and how these work alongside your consumer rights. Find out more about how they work.

Shopping in the sales

You have the same rights shopping in the sales as you do at any other time of the year.

Changing your mind

People change their mind about things they buy all the time. You might buy a shirt or dress in a shop and then decide when you get home that you don’t like it, or it doesn’t fit properly.


When you pay a deposit you are paying a percentage of the price of a product or service. Paying a deposit shows that you intend to buy the item and it means you are entering into a contract with the business.


A pawnbroker will lend you a sum of money where you provide an acceptable item as security on the loan. Jewellery is the main item that pawn brokers accept.