Disputed card transactions (chargeback)

You may want to dispute a card transaction if:

  • The transaction was not authorised by you, or was put through more than once
  • The supplier did not deliver the goods or services you paid for

You should contact the supplier first and ask for a refund. If the supplier will not refund your money and you paid using a credit or debit card, your card provider – usually your bank – may agree to reverse the transaction. This is called a chargeback.

In order to start a chargeback, you should contact your bank or credit card provider immediately. Give them details of the disputed transaction and request that they follow it up.

Depending on the debit or credit card scheme – i.e. Visa or MasterCard – there are different terms and conditions in relation to chargebacks. Most schemes offer full chargeback rights but there can be specific timeframes for requesting a chargeback, such as 120 or 180 days after the transaction takes place or the agreed date of delivery. These timeframes vary depending on the card scheme, i.e. Visa or MasterCard.

If there is a transaction on your bank account or credit card statement that you do not recognise, contact your bank or credit card company straight away as it could be a fraudulent transaction.

If you request a chargeback and you are not happy with the response from your bank or card provider, you can make a complaint.