Package holidays and linked travel arrangements

When you book a package holiday, or enter a linked travel arrangement, you are protected by consumer law.

A package holiday is one sold at an inclusive price and:

  • includes at least 2 different types of travel services
  • covers at least 24 hours or includes an overnight stay
  • all from the same seller

A linked travel arrangement is when you book one travel service and are invited (usually through a website link) to book a second service on another website. You have less protection in the case of linked travel arrangements.

What is a package holiday?

Your holiday is a package holiday if it is:

  • bought in one place
  • ‘ready-made’
  • sold at an inclusive price by a travel agent or tour operator
  • made up of at least two of the following travel services:
    •  transport
    • accommodation
    • car or other vehicle hire
    • other tourist activities that are not directly linked to the above but which make up a significant part of the cost and package (e.g. guided tours)
  • covers at least 24 hours (or includes an overnight stay)

In order to be classified as a ‘package’, there must be either a single contract for all of the components, or separate contracts but one inclusive or total price, with all the components chosen before you pay.

What are linked travel arrangements (LTAs)?

Linked travel arrangements (LTAs) are when you buy two or more travel components (flights, accommodation, car rental etc) from different businesses as separate transactions. They are classed as linked when one business enables you to buy additional components as part of the same trip or holiday.

LTAs only apply if the combination of travel components is not a package holiday and the business:

1. Allows you buy more than one travel component in a single visit, e.g. during one visit to a travel agent or website, or

2. Invites you, by a targeted link (a link to another business website), to book a second component of your holiday which is booked within 24 hours.


Example of LTA

You book a flight with an airline and then receive a confirmation email offering car rental from another business. If, within 24 hours of your original flight booking, you avail of the offer booking the car rental, this is considered a linked travel arrangement.

Example of LTA

You book a flight through an airline or travel company and during the same visit to their shop or their website you also pay for, or agree to pay for, a hotel from a different company.

A combination of travel and tourist components

A combination of one travel component  (for example, accommodation), and another tourist component (for example, a guided tour or a match), is only a linked travel arrangement if the additional tourist component is worth 25% or more of the overall value of the trip, or is an essential feature of the trip.

LTAs lasting less than 24 hours are not covered by the regulations, unless overnight accommodation is included.

An LTA is not a package holiday and you have less rights. Your rights for LTAs are limited to the provider of the first service going bankrupt. In this case you are entitled to your money back and, if necessary, to be brought home if stranded abroad.

What happens if the organiser goes out of business?

A business offering LTAs must refund all payments to you if they are unable to fulfil your booking if they become bankrupt. They must also ensure they can cover the cost of getting you home.
